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If your child works and studies, they can receive a refund from the IRS

Foto del escritor: Masters TaxMasters Tax

Children who work and study are eligible to obtain their tax withholding refund and at the same time they can appear as economic dependents of their parents, an IRS spokeswoman explains.

DALLAS, Texas.- If your son works seasonally and at the same time studies, he can receive a refund from the IRS and at the same time appear as a dependent on his parents' tax return, clarified Irma Treviño, a spokeswoman for the IRS. University students can file their own tax return and they will not be charged, they will only receive a refund for what was withheld, Treviño clarified. DALLAS, Texas.- If your son works seasonally and at the same time studies, he can receive a refund from the IRS and at the same time appear as a dependent on his parents' tax return, clarified Irma Treviño, a spokeswoman for the IRS. University students can file their own tax return and they will not be charged, they will only receive a refund for what was withheld, Treviño clarified. "And the parents can claim them as their dependents, because they are still under the guardianship of the parents and the parents support them," he explained, "Not with the money from the summer job are these young people going to be able to survive." The most important thing is that young people, when filing their taxes, must answer this question: Does anyone else claim you as a dependent?, in order to receive their refund and at the same time their parents can also have them as dependents. "They have to answer yes so that in this way they leave the exception to the parents and the parents can put them on their tax return," the spokeswoman explained.

What about the child tax credit?

A more frequent question that Irma Teviño receives is, Do I have to return the amount of the advance payments of the child tax credit? The answer is “no”, but you will need to have Form 6419 with you when you file your taxes. “What these families received, they received 50% of the child tax credit up front. They are not going to return it, but they do have to have that letter that the IRS is sending, the 6419, so that they can reconcile the payments and so the IRS can send them the other 50%,” Treviño explained.

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